My Health Record: Are You In or Out?


Wondering what exactly the My Health Record (MHR) is? Not sure how to explain it to patients when they ask you about it? Join this session to hear from an Australian GP who is part of the Australian Digital Health Agency (ADHA). Dr Moy will outline what exactly the MHR is, it’s pros and cons, and run through a PCP-style example of how a GP can bring it up and explain it to their patients. You will also have the opportunity to ask you own questions around the broad visions of digital health in Australia during our Q&A time, so bring along an inquisitive mind!


Dr Chris Moy

Chris is an Adelaide GP with a long-standing involvement in the areas of aged care, end of life decision making, palliative care and digital health at both state and national levels. Pursuing the imperative of advance care planning documents to be available alongside patient electronic health records has led to his commitment to the development of the My Health Record. He is a former member of the Independent Advisory Committee to the Minister of Health for the Patient Controlled Electronic Health Record (PCEHR), the NEHTA Clinical Usability Program Steering Committee and the My Health Record Operations Management Committee. He is a current member of the My Health Record Expansion Program Steering Group and the Privacy and Security Advisory Committee of the Australian Digital Health Agency.