The Diligent Doctor (presented by Choosing Wisely)


Another patient, another battery of investigations. But are they all necessary? We want to rule everything out, but do we really need to order that CRP?

As future doctors, we will have to order countless investigations and prescribe just as many medications. In medical school we often learn what we can order but not always when we should. Yet in order to become safe and effective doctors, it is important that we understand this distinction.

In this collaborative session with Choosing Wisely Australia, you will team up to work through case-based scenarios. Take a history, discuss what investigations to order and write your medications up on the drug chart. Along the way you will learn about the dangers of over-investigating and misprescribing, as well as understand the costs behind the decisions you make.


Available to MD2, MD3, MD4


Key facilitator:

  • Dr Chris Leung